Monday, August 24, 2015

Less than 5 days

OK. So I am moving into my dorm on Saturday at Rutgers University New Brunswick. I am super excited and super terrified.

I have had some issues with this whole process college moving process, but I'm still hopeful.

First off, I did get the dormitory I wanted, I wanted to be in New Gibbons and I am (New Gibbons A-3 I believe).

When I got my housing assignment it naturally came along with my roommate assignment, I didn't email my roommate first she emailed me, I texted her afterwards and we talked for a little, however she just didn't seem interested in holding a conversation. So the conversation ended only after a few exchanges back and forth.

A few days later, I check my phone and it's going off with 3 new messages from my roommate telling me she feels as though she would be a boring roommate and that she wants someone in her field of study. I'm a theatre major, she is a pharmacy major. I messaged back telling her that it was okay that she didn't want to be my roommate and that I accepted the fact that she told me and didn't just be miserable with me as her roommate for a year.

I haven't heard back from my ex-roommate since then, so I'm sure she found another room to move into. However she's still listed in my housing assignment. Whatever though.

Yesterday, my mum told me I got a housing email, and my heart started pounding because I was very confused as to why I would get one, would it be about my ex-roommate or did I lose my dorm because I was technically by myself, but it was actually good news. I was originally supposed to be on the 3rd floor, I'm now on the 2nd floor, so I only have to go up 2 short flights of stairs (which will be good for my back).

Now another dilemma that is just bugging me too is the fact that I'm not buying the rest of my dorm supplies until Thursday and Friday, then having to pack all that as well.

I'm done talking for now.