Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Today i start a blog, not because i want views or friends, but because i wanted a new hobby, and i believe it can help me express myself a little better. Lemme start out with introducing myself, Bonjour, i would like to go by the name Lacrimosa (because i hate my actual name). I'm currently 15 and a sophomore in highschool. Another reason for starting this blog is because i wanted a distraction from my cutting. YES, i am a cutter, but i am also much more than that, so please don't write me off just yet~
I am in 5 different clubs, them being : Drama/Stage Crew, Asian Awareness, Interact, Student Council, & French Club. I am trying to start my own afterschool club called a G.S.A which is a Gay-Straight Alliance, yes i am a LGBT advocate, and very proud to be one. I am pansexual, I like writing, reading, doodling, I am striving to be a photographer, i love acting. Oh, and i'm not as outgoing as i seem, i'm very quiet, i don't really have any friends, and i usually stay in my bedroom unless i'm going to school. I'm not sure what else to write, so i'll just sign off on my first post~

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