Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Alice In Wonderland Theme Semi

Now i'm a class officer for the sophomore class and one of the events we plan is the freshman/sophomore semi formal which is in April.

We have to come up with themes to do because having just a plain dance isn't really worth advertising :/

So the 3 themes we came up with is Alice in Wonderland (my idea), Enchanted Forest (stupid as hell), and Mardi Gras (?)

My problem is Enchanted Forest doesn't really appeal to me so i can't write a description for it and i wouldn't even know how that would be decorated and when we had a meeting all they said was "flowers" -__- really ?

Mardi Gras...it'll be 2 months past, what's the point of having one ? i don't understand their concept

And Alice in Wonderland is a believe a better choice, it's more exciting, more interesting, more eccentric, and when i took a poll last year more people said they woul enjoy an Alice in Wonderland theme dance

Plus it's much easier to decorate and it'll look nice and be more creative, but if anything at least cut out Enchanted Forest from the themes, and choose something different that makes sense and people would actually go for

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