Friday, April 12, 2013

Story - Ch 1~

So I started writing a story, and I thought I'd share it, I'm only on the 5th chapter, maybe later I'll post some more chapters, anyway please enjoy, and if you think it's crap you're allowed to say so, everyone has their own opinion :)

Chapter 1


“I’m done for the night, sir, thank you for letting me work here in your restaurant for 3 years, I’m gonna miss this place.” she said with a tear forming in her eye.
“This place will miss you too, you were a big help. Now you take care of yourself while you’re in New York City, little lady. I wish you the best of luck, and here’s a little gift from all of us here.” her boss said, handing her a gift basket filled with movies, books, and candy. “For when you’re bored and have nothing better to do.”
She thanked him again and walked out the restaurant doors, as she got in her beat up car, she took one last look at the place she had grown to love for the past 3 years, sighed and drove off towards her home. She didn’t really wanna go home, it was horrid there, but tonight was thankfully her last night in that hell hole. As she parked her car in the drive through, she could already hear the screams coming from inside, probably her parents fighting again for the 9th time in 3 days. She opened her car door, and just sat like that for about 10 minutes before she decided to enter her house. As she entered the house, she saw broken glass everywhere, and the couch was flipped over, she felt the urge to start crying, but held it in as she ran past the destruction and into her room, to finish packing. Her parents didn’t know she was leaving, they’d have to find out the hard way, but she doubted they would care.
She got accepted to Columbia University in NYC and was heading out there early in the morning so her parents wouldn’t know. She had to wait 5 more hours before it was safe. As the time ticked away she got more and more anxious, she continually checked her bags to make sure she had all her possessions she wanted to take. She had already bought an apartment and would get a job as soon as she got there, she had all summer to do so, since her semester didn’t start until the fall.
It was time. Time to finally get outta here, it was 4:30am, and she quietly started loading her baggage into the back of her car, it barely fit, but she worked her magic. Just as she was about to pull outta the driveway she heard a voice coming from the side of the house.
“Who’s there ?” she asked with a hint of fear.
“Are you running away ?” it was her mum, dressed in her bathrobe, hair all messy, and her face stained with caked on makeup. I shook my head, and she suddenly became cross.
“Don’t lie, you’re bags are all packed, and it’s 4:30 in the fucking morning !”
“I got accepted to Columbia, I’m going to NYC to follow my dreams, and you can’t stop me.”
Her mother sighed and tossed her something through the car window.
“What is this.” she asked, staring at her mother.
“$6,000, to help get you started. I knew you were leaving, I got the mail one day you didn’t come home, hoping to get my package, and I saw an envelope from Columbia and about your apartment. I’ll tell your dad when he wakes up, don’t worry, just go.” her mother muttered.
She just nodded and pulled outta the driveway, and onto the street, starting her journey to NYC, she couldn’t believe it, she was finally free. She headed towards her dream city, only good thoughts enveloping her mind. She couldn’t wait.

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