Friday, October 4, 2013

It's October

Hey guys, it's finally October (i know i'm 4 days late, but who cares?) October is my favorite month and also one of my busiest, which makes it super exciting. *cough* Halloween is important too *cough* Eh, what a nasty cough x3

I may be anticipating all my events this month but I've been having a bit of a rough patch lately, that I'll explain on a later date.

I cut myself yesterday, and my wrist really bled, I was amazed, usually the blood bubbles up but it NEVER drips like a fountain, but I'm okay, just a little altercation (?) yesterday with my parents and the fact that I have a lot of stress caused my self injury.

Hope everyone is doing well~

Maybe I'll post more often if anyone actually reads my blog.

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