Sunday, November 10, 2013

Anyone wanna be friends ?

Anyone wanna be friends with me ? 

I'm nice, I swear.

Sure, I have a few issues but who doesn't ?

I won't bother you with the issues now.

However, I am into a lot of different things.

My latest obsession is Homestuck, I know I'm late on the bandwagon,

But who cares, I've finished a complete year of Homestuck,

And I'm anxious to read more.

I've already picked out my favorite troll, it's Kanaya,

Who I cannot wait to cosplay in the near future.

I'm a beginner cosplayer and I can't wait to go to more cons.

I've been to one con (AnimeNEXT),

And have only cosplayed one character,

Marceline the Vampire Queen from Adventure Time.

For cosplay I plan on doing different outfits for Marceline,

Russia from Hetalia, and Lady Loki.

Now I'm just gonna list some things I like...

Homestuck (already said that), Adventure Time, Hetalia, The Avengers,

Doctor Who (even though I'm only on the 7th episode of the Modern),

Sherlock, Regular Show, A LOT of anime, Harry Potter,

Tim Burton films, Disney Movies, Alice in Wonderland, 

Rise of the Guardians, Hiyao Miyazaki films.

That's all I could think of for now...

Now for my 2 favorite Guys :

Benedict Cumberbatch, Tom Hiddleston <3

I swear I can be a good friend,

I'll make you sweets, draw you crappy pictures, and give you lots of hugs.

We can watch movies together, cuddle, have fandom wars, 

Make arts & crafts, cosplay together, anything you want, you name it !


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