Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Film Institute

So, In my school we have a program called The Film Institute, it contains a History, English, and Film Production class. So far, I'm loving it, I know I'm gonna be immersed in different genre of films and I completely submit to that. I might not like all the films that we will be shown, but whatever, I'm in the class to learn about a variety of films and not be such an uncultured swine. I have this class the last 3 periods of the day, and so far we are mostly in one large group instead of in our individual 3 classes.

I wanted this class because I wanted a course that was enjoyable, yet challenging. I'm pretty sure I got that. My only dilemma is the students in the class. I know 3 that aren't gonna be a problem, hell I like them, they're pretty cool guys, always joking, and conversing about their interests. There's also this one girl who I'm iffy about, so I'm just gonna include her with the rest of the class who is a huge pain in the ass. They are literally just here to get away with murder. They most likely took the class to get an easy A, and that's fucking annoying. They're rude, obnoxious, and just plain stupid at times. They're what you call the "popular kids", and I, my friends, am a peasant among the "royalty". I never like this group of students, I've had bad history with them, and frankly I hope they all have an unfortunate event happen to them. I know that isn't the nicest, but they're the type of people who think they're better than others, like they're entitled to whatever they desire. I just hope this school year goes by quick.

Anyway, the next film we are going to view is "The Shining". Can't Wait.

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