Monday, June 8, 2015

Yeah, so...

Yeah, so...The day I complain about the Senior Awards Night and I'll be sad if I don't get an invitation...Before my parents took me to an appointment, my dad checked the mailbox, and inside was my GOLDEN TICKET !

I GOT INVITED ! Which means I must be getting an award of some sort, which makes me so happy !

We don't start rehearsal for Awards Night until the end of 2nd period, but I'm excited for tonight, my mum curled my hair this morning (here's hoping it stays even a little bit), I took out my little black dress and I'm wearing my lace flats, I got my red lipstick out. I'm good for tonight !

Today is my last full day of high school, then tomorrow starts Senior Week, all half days leading up to graduation.

Which I am almost prepared for, I have my dress, shoes, makeup, jewelry...I just need my bra and possibly white shorts.

I get my nails and hair done Thursday.

Yeah, so...

I'm so ecstatic ! 

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