Tuesday, September 1, 2015

College Student

So I'm moved in, I've been moved in since Saturday August 29th.

I had my first day of classes which included Theater History and Basic Acting and they were alright. Just gotta get situated with the walking because of my back.

I made some aquaintances and even made friendly with a fellow Steven Universe fan.

I still don't know how I feel about living away from home, I know I'm just 2 hours away, but it feels weird to be in a dorm by myself and not have my family and cat around.

I've basically haven't left my dorm unless necessary, I plan on just staying in my dorm everyday except when I have classes because then I have to go interact. I'm only probably gonna be a hermit for the month of September.

I have never used my email as much as I have in these past 3 days.

Still getting acquainted with Rutgers, here's hoping I feel less like an outsider in the coming days.

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