Thursday, February 28, 2013


Sooooooo, my birthday is in like a month ! Eep i'm so happy !

i'll be able to hang out wih Al & Brooke, i'll be sure to take lots of pictures :3

We'll watch the Lorax & Rise of the Guardians, i'm hoping we can start at 12 and then go to see Oz the Great and Powerful~

Then have dinner at my house~




Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Alice In Wonderland Theme Semi

Now i'm a class officer for the sophomore class and one of the events we plan is the freshman/sophomore semi formal which is in April.

We have to come up with themes to do because having just a plain dance isn't really worth advertising :/

So the 3 themes we came up with is Alice in Wonderland (my idea), Enchanted Forest (stupid as hell), and Mardi Gras (?)

My problem is Enchanted Forest doesn't really appeal to me so i can't write a description for it and i wouldn't even know how that would be decorated and when we had a meeting all they said was "flowers" -__- really ?

Mardi'll be 2 months past, what's the point of having one ? i don't understand their concept

And Alice in Wonderland is a believe a better choice, it's more exciting, more interesting, more eccentric, and when i took a poll last year more people said they woul enjoy an Alice in Wonderland theme dance

Plus it's much easier to decorate and it'll look nice and be more creative, but if anything at least cut out Enchanted Forest from the themes, and choose something different that makes sense and people would actually go for

Friday, February 15, 2013


I'm gonna be a total gurl and be happy that my mum and myself are going to get our nails done in a little while because it's her birthday on Sunday and she wanted to treat herself :D

Valentine's Day was BORING D:

Monday, February 11, 2013

The Cutter's Lullaby

I fell in love with this little song over the weekend, it's so beautiful

I'm trying to remember the entire thing, and i think i got it

Go to sleep and close your eyes, and dream of broken butterflies
That tore their wings against a thorn, you know the pain that they've endured
Silver metal shines so bright, Crimson blood that feels so right
Dream of that blood trickling down, and wake up just before you drown
The moonlight's shining off your tears, as you bleed out your own worst fears
So tonight when you start to cry, whisper the cutter's lullaby
Hushabye baby you're almost dead, you have no pulse and your pillow is red
Your family hates you, Your friends let you bleed, Sleep tight with a knife cuz that's all you'll need
Rockabye baby broken and scarred, you didn't know life would this hard
Time to end the pain you hid so well, and down will come baby straight back to hell

Thursday, February 7, 2013

So This Morning...

So...this morning i really just tortured myself because i cut this morning and they have been hurting like hell all day...i just wanna go home and lay down and just think and be calm...and let the pain subside after awhile.

I'm's no big one cares anyway :/

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Reading Harry Potter

wow, i haven't posted in awhile...anyway i'm making a boring post about the fact that i'm reading Harry Potter...i'm on the second book because i finally found it in the library, i can't wait to read the rest, i'll probably be done them all in like 2 weeks~ and then that's off my reading list :)