Monday, March 18, 2013

Jack the Ripper

 also known as the
OK ! So If I haven't talked about him before, I will now and why I had a bit of an obsession with him during last summer which carried me to the psych ward at the beginning of the school year
A book called the Name of the Star got me into Jack the Ripper and I just had to find out more about him, he just seemed so fascinating (check out the book, it's amazing)
So all throughout the summer, I'd go to the library and check out books on this mysterious fellow nick-named Jack the Ripper.
When the school year started, I would write his name on everything (that's what I do when I become "obsessed" with something)
I'd also write things like "He'll mutilate your body until you're unrecognizable" and just shit like that, I guess that scared my Geometry teacher because he reported it and I got sent to the hospital, then to  psych ward for a week.
But I don't ever regret becoming interested in Jack the Ripper, he's pretty interesting, this...person, was able to evade the Scotland Yard and murder these women without ever being found  out, that's brilliant.
I'd like to know my facts about this person as much as I can, he is my "god" (kidding)
Jack the Ripper, he'll slit your throat, rip out you insides, and mutilate your body until no one can recognize you !

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