Friday, March 15, 2013


This is a letter I wanted to give my friend Al, but it's embarrassing so I thought I'd show the world how pathetic I am instead xD, it's just me expressing my feelings for him and I wish I wasn't such  a coward that I'd be able to send it to him.

Dear Al,

Ever since my first dream about you in January, I have to say that I've started having feelings for you hunny. And then the other night, when I was enveloped in my thoughts about you and Brooke, I went to sleep and had a another dream about you...I went to the guidance offices and saw you leaving and I immediately started bawling my eyes out, followed by wrapping my arms around your neck, and saying "I love you", you just hugged me tight...and said some things. To not FREAK you out, I DON'T love you, like I'm not in love with you (I love you as a friend), but I just really like you. i think you're cute, kind, friendly, caring, sweet, smart, EXTREMELY funny, handsome...the list goes on. You make me so genuinely happy, any time I'm with you, you just brighten my day. I love your smile, your funny faces you make at me, and especially your hugs; when you hug me tight, I never wanna leave your grasp, your hugs make my heart melt. Even though you only talk to me when I'm upset or cutting (I wish you talked to me more on skype, and maybe even webcam every once in awhile) *sigh* I guess sometimes it seems like I don't like you, I do, and sometimes you're stuck on my mind. You don't have to reply to this, or even say anything to me about this (actually I'd rather you just read it and never speak of it because I know you would never have feelings for me in a million years) Anyway, I'm done with my stupid, disgusting feelings, it was embarrassing, bye baby~

Soler Lacrimosa~ 3/15/13

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