Sunday, November 10, 2013

Anyone wanna be friends ?

Anyone wanna be friends with me ? 

I'm nice, I swear.

Sure, I have a few issues but who doesn't ?

I won't bother you with the issues now.

However, I am into a lot of different things.

My latest obsession is Homestuck, I know I'm late on the bandwagon,

But who cares, I've finished a complete year of Homestuck,

And I'm anxious to read more.

I've already picked out my favorite troll, it's Kanaya,

Who I cannot wait to cosplay in the near future.

I'm a beginner cosplayer and I can't wait to go to more cons.

I've been to one con (AnimeNEXT),

And have only cosplayed one character,

Marceline the Vampire Queen from Adventure Time.

For cosplay I plan on doing different outfits for Marceline,

Russia from Hetalia, and Lady Loki.

Now I'm just gonna list some things I like...

Homestuck (already said that), Adventure Time, Hetalia, The Avengers,

Doctor Who (even though I'm only on the 7th episode of the Modern),

Sherlock, Regular Show, A LOT of anime, Harry Potter,

Tim Burton films, Disney Movies, Alice in Wonderland, 

Rise of the Guardians, Hiyao Miyazaki films.

That's all I could think of for now...

Now for my 2 favorite Guys :

Benedict Cumberbatch, Tom Hiddleston <3

I swear I can be a good friend,

I'll make you sweets, draw you crappy pictures, and give you lots of hugs.

We can watch movies together, cuddle, have fandom wars, 

Make arts & crafts, cosplay together, anything you want, you name it !


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

5 Day Weekend

ERMAGERD....Al asked if I wanted to do anything this weekend because I said "I'm hoping my weekend is filled with human interaction" 

My life basically consists of Tumblr all the time, Tumblr and after school activities.

So here's hoping Al messages me later today to let me know or not if it's a no then I guess I'll be hanging with Gabba if her grandpa allows it.

.......also i want cheese, but I'm at school until 5 -.-