Monday, September 29, 2014

One Day

So one day this week, I am off (Wednesday).
I believe my hunny and my doll are moving this week to Texas T_T
I have my first NHS meeting and 1st Drama Rehearsal today after school.
Tomorrow is Stage Clean up (yay ! It's so messy back there)
Thursday I'm free (so far)
Friday is the Football game (hopefully my brother plays again)

All in all, pretty good week, wish it was busier.

I am super excited for Drama Season, like beyond thrilled.

Signing off for now, I'll be updating at least 3 times a week, even if it's just a sentence or two.

P.S. - anyone read GGAR (Go Get A Roomie) ? I finally got back to it after 2 years of not reading it. I love it all over again !

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