Thursday, October 9, 2014

Stage Crew Thursday

Today after school is another Stage Crew meeting.

To begin, I am very grateful for everyone who attempts to help out and contribute to stage crew.

HOWEVER, there are students who come to the stage crew meetings and don't do anything, they run in the auditorium, they shout, they lounge around, and make a bigger mess that I have to clean up after them.

I do not appreciate that, I have a big job, and I want to make sure I mold these students into a great run crew for the actual play productions. 

About 30 students have passed through our 1st couple of meetings, and in actuality I only need 8 more people for run crew for Agatha Rex. It does not at all require 30 people (especially those who do nothing). I do though need help with building and painting the set, one of our advisors (Mr. Clark) is designing the set and will need all the help he can get, and of course painting is a big job as well. 

I already have an idea of who I want for my run crew because these are the people working the hardest and actually paying attention to my instruction and the advisors' instructions. 

On Tuesday when we had a stage crew meeting, it took me almost 30 minutes to get people to sign in, and I announced it 3 times, and loud enough as well. To me it's just like, if you can't follow a simple instruction like signing your name on a piece of paper, what makes me think you can follow more complex instructions when I need them to be done.

These students may think I am a bitch and whatnot for raising my voice when needed and shit, but I'm doing my job, and I just want an efficient run crew for all Drama Productions. 

So let's see how today goes....

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