Monday, February 23, 2015

Hell Week

So this is the week.

The show.

The Addams Family.

I'm starting to stress now.

Not good.

I still need to find like 2 more people for Tech crew.

I need to have at least 10 people to feel confident.

I only have 6.

I'm officially freaking out.

The first official dress rehearsal and run through is going to be tonight.

I'm hoping to see some of my stage crew staying to help.

I am not okay with a handful of people.

Here's hoping.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Dress Rehearsal (Hopefully) Starts Today

So today is a half day, and it's supposed to snow later tonight, so I'm hoping they don't cancel any activities scheduled for later this evening because Dress Rehearsal starts today for the Addams Family.

We still have a lot to do set wise, and I'd love to see it finished by Saturday.

The musical is next week (Thursday, Friday, and Saturday).

I'm of course super excited for my last production here at Oakcrest, but also really sad.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Kinda Upset

So, I got accepted to Point Park University (academically), I don't know if I got accepted to the conservatory yet, which hopefully I'll find out soon, because I need good news.

I also got rejected by Penn State University, and rejected by Rutgers University School of Arts and Sciences for Teacher Certification.

I don't know about Mason Gross (Rutgers University), but I have a very strong feeling I will not be admitted to the Mason Gross School, which was one of my top schools.

So I'm a little bummed out, two rejections in one day, but that's life, I still have Syracuse, Boston University, Emerson, and Pace that I still need to hear from and 3 that I still have to interview for.

I am doing my Boston University Skype interview next Sunday because it got rescheduled to the 15th, and I still have to hear from Emerson on setting up a telephone interview, and then Pace is a mess with everything, but hopefully I'll hear from them soon.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

No More NYC

I was super excited to be able to go to NYC on the 20th for a Pace University interview, but all the times are full, and now I'm super upset. I was really hoping to spend a day in NYC and finally go back and have some fun.

I am like really bummed out, it'll only work if it's not the last week in February or the first 2 weeks in March, which it probably will be, which majorly sucks. I have events already planned, that I'm actually working on and a big part of, my events will always go before an interview unless it can't be helped. 

I really don't wanna have to do a Skype interview.