Friday, May 22, 2015

One Acts Festival

Tonight is the annual One Acts Festival.

I was stage manager for one of the one acts, which was an adaptation of the Twilight Zone episode Time Enough at Last.

I wasn't as involved as I should have been, but I've been to any rehearsals that I knew of and I have been the main painter for the set, which we are still working on because it is a lot for a simple 30 minute one act, but at least it's going to look nice.

I had to make a scrapbook for it which I am still working on and will probably be working on until it's due tonight. Because I am last minute, well technically it's not anyone's fault, my family just had financial issues so we weren't able to buy the scrapbooking items until this week and I didn't get the physical scrapbook until Wednesday night.

However I'm very excited to see the One Acts Festival come together.

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