Wednesday, June 3, 2015

6 More Days

So, today is the day, the drama banquet is today, I'm very excited for it. I still have no idea what I'm bringing in food-wise, but I'll think of something.

I'm literally jumping out of my seat to hear what the shows for next year will be. I'm hoping the drama director doesn't tell us that she doesn't know what shows they'll be putting on next school year, like she did at the banquet last year.

I may not be returning next school year, but I'll always be a huge supporter of the theatre here at Oakcrest. It's my home.

Today is the last day for my favorite teacher, Madame Scheaffer, she's getting knee surgery tomorrow and won't be here the remainder of the year (which is only a week, but still).

I'm hoping to see her at graduation (fingers crossed). I made her a nice little crayon art poster that she liked a lot, I gave it to her this morning, along with a personal note.

The school year is almost over, and I have more gifts to give to my favorite teachers at Oakcrest.

I am doing crayon art for 4 other teachers, and then getting Coraline (the film) for my English teacher/Stage Crew advisor and possibly something else if I can convince my mother.

I wrote little notes for the other 4 teachers as well, I think the longest is one is for my English teacher. (I adore him so, but disapprove of his freedom of speech).

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