Monday, June 1, 2015

8 More Days For Me

We are finally in June and that means 8 more days of school for me. I'm basically doing nothing in all my classes so it's like whatever at this point, this week will hopefully go by quick. I have a World Language Club meeting tomorrow after school, then the Drama Banquet on Wednesday, Thursday is a do nothing day, then Friday is Field Day (SKIPPING!)

I still have to do my film final that's due Wednesday, I finished typing up what I want to say for the video essay, I also put together my written film essays, and one film review, I now just have to find (somehow) 2 short films, and one music video I've helped work on this year, and then I just have to take a picture of a poster one of my groups made. I decided to teach to get outta doing the film resume, because I'm clueless and I hate making resumes.

So that'll be my project for the next 2 days because it's not due in class, it's probably due by 11:59 on Wednesday night.

I'm doing my video essay on Tim Burton and his films, I basically chose to talk about my favorites and just mentioned some of the ones he worked on.

Senior Week is next week, super excited (hoping I get a scholarship or award) I convinced my only friend in the senior class to do the senior picnic with me because I really wanted to go.

So excited for next week, I also have to make teacher gifts and buy teacher gifts for 5 teachers, Mrs. Tunney, Mr. Clark, Madame Scheaffer, Mrs. Wright, and Mrs. Gaskill. They each have done something great for me and I want to thank them for it.

Then after all the senior week activities and gift giving, it is finally graduation, but it's supposed to rain for almost all this week and next week, so I'm a little worried that graduation will be rained out. It said AM showers for the 12th, but it's raining on all the practices as well.

Oh well, hopefully Mother Nature takes a break from ruining events.

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