Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Soul Eater :D


my favorite characters are Corona & Stein <3 ohmygawd Corona is ADORABLE !!!!!
Stein is just friggin' awesome~

Monday, January 14, 2013

Rice Balls & Curry Buns

So on Wednesday, i'll be attempting to make curry buns and rice balls for a club meeting on Thursday, it's for Asian Awareness :D

It'll be my first time, and i hope i don't fuck it up too bad, and i'll also be trying to make rainbow cupcakes for a photography project and also to eventually eat.

Anyway, i'm done for now~

Sunday, January 6, 2013

I cut myself

I cut myself…I’ve been cutting since the 5th grade, ima sophomore in high school right now….as much as I say I’ll be there if anyone needs me {and I will} I wish I was able to lean on someone for support...

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Sadness' Mist~

This is just a stupid little poem i made up during class, enjoy~
In the shadows
something lurks within the darkness
it cannot be seen
it cannot be touched
it is sadness, ready to consume you
it is depression, ready to harm you
A grey, gloomy, frightening mist is what
prompts your sudden sadness, it takes control`
and never lets go
I have fallen victim to the mist
i cannot escape it
it has pulled me in
And will not release its grasp
in the morning i let it plant horrid thoughts
within my head
At night i let it control my movements like i am its puppet on strings
it makes me cut away at my skin, it leaves me a gruesome bloody mess
while i sleep, the mist attempts to invade my dreams, every night, i fail to keep it away
I am consumed by this sadness
it has a firm grasp upon me