Friday, May 31, 2013

I have this thing...

I have a thing where i feel like i am an annoyance to my 2 friends, Al and Brooke....and today i told Al I felt like I was bothering them and it really upsets me when i'm bothersome, so I'm walking into the library like I always do for 12th period and i'm looking down and from the side Brooke comes up and hugs me and says "You're not bothering us" and I like i usually do, don't believe anything anyone tells so I say "sure"

I'm so paranoid....and let's not get me started on how I wish I was closer with them and they actually acknowledged me as a friend.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

I Have Recently Discovered.....HETALIA DAY

Sooooo, like the title, I have recently discovered Hetalia Day, and I hope to attend it somewhere on October 26th this year (hopefully NYC). I hope to be Russia~ If i get my job this summer, then i am going to save up $150 for cosplay and Russia will be the first complete cosplay I make.

It's Next Week :D

AnimeNEXT is next week, I can't wait until the schedule is posted and i get to see and experience my first con ! ERMAGERD *excitement*

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

I Lied....

Ya know how a couple weeks ago i said i was watching Doctor Who ? Weeeeeell, i watched the first episode and never went back, i tried twice to continue but i somehow (last week) got hooked on My Little Pony xD (i know PATHETIC) but i really enjoy it, it's cute and i don't usually go for little kiddie shows like that....anyway I'm behind on my schedule of becoming a SUPERWHOLOCK fan D: WAAAAAAAAYYYYY BEHIND....I think i'm gonna start Supernatural first then come back to Doctor Who, cuz i already slightly enjoy Supernatural, i've seen a couple episodes (out of order)....My favroite character from Supernatural is Mr. Fizzles x3 anyway SUPERWHOLOCK is my mission~

Saturday, May 25, 2013


Guess which bitch is going to AnimeNEXT ? I AM !!!!! OMGAWD I'M SO HAPPY !!! Will i see anyone who reads my blog ? any anime fans or cosplayers ? xD i can't cosplay this year, no money D: i'm lucky if i even get to re-dye my hair for the convention. Anyway....JE SUIS TELLEMENT HEUREUX :3

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Soooooo....thanks to no help from the organizations i sent messages to, I have 1 minute and 42 seconds of footage for my documentary. I'm very happy with myself, but i still need 11 minutes to pass the guidelines 12 minutes minimum. But i think i'm gonna interview my GSA's advisor and my friend Al and Brooke~ and hopefully i can find another person cuz i don't think that'll be enough footage. But i'm trying on ! I'm determined !

Friday, May 17, 2013


Still need people to interview ! UGH Anyone tolerant or loving or accepting of the LGBTQIA community that lives in Jersey, hit me up please !

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Anyone live near South Jersey who wants to be a part of the cosplay group me and my friend from North Jersey are forming ? I promise i’ll try to make it fun and feed you sweets ! xD 


I'm doing a documentary on the LGBTQIA community, and I need people to interview, anyone that reads my crap live near South Jersey who has a positive attitude towards the LGBTQIA community ? Or knows someone who does, I'd appreciate it if you sent me a comment and we could talk cuz my documentary is due June 10th and I've sent out emails to 6 different organizations and only 2 wrote back and I need to get started. So any help is appreciated dolls~ ♥

Thursday, May 9, 2013


So, i just found the most interesting piece of information, but I'm too late to sign and go to it, or well, won't be able to go, it's called GAYLA, it's a annual GSA Prom, which is pretty cool if you ask me, next year for sure I'm gonna go, and look fabu, hopefully I'll get the prince to go with me, it's only $20, i'll ask him and pay for his ticket if that's what it takes to have one date with him xD *I love the princely type* anyway, it seems awesome, and i hope I'm able to go next year, yay !

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


I need Sherlock, gimme Sherlock, I want Sherlock D:


Can I be frank with you ?

Attack of the fucking mannequins......what the hell, I watched the first episode of Doctor Who (2005) and i am surprised by an attack of the plastic things ! xD

Now i am terried of mannequins and I'm not so sure I wanna watch Doctor Who again *hurumph* just kidding, I'll watch some episodes today if I can get over my Sherlock & Hetalia addiction long enough ;D

Monday, May 6, 2013

Auf Wiedersehen, Sweetheart....Anyone ?

Sooooo....I need to read some more Hetalia fan fiction, and I decided on Auf Wiedersehen, Sweetheart <3

Can't wait to read it~

Doctor Who

Starting Doctor Who when I get home, hopefully gonna finish 2 episodes, and hopefully I'll be finished by the beginning of June, so I can begin watching Supernatural, and officially become a


I finished the Sherlock series, now I'm waiting for the next series D: The anticipation is killing me.....I need Sherlock O.O

Friday, May 3, 2013



Destiel Fans !!!!

So because my friend wanted me to do so, I am reading apparently one of the best Destiel fan-fictions......

Twist & Shout
*le gasp*
Finished the first chapter, now I'm on to the second
Oh...and I can dig Elvis ;D

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Teen Arts Festival

My last trip of the year !

Tomorrow we're going to the Teen Arts Festival in Hammonton. :D