Thursday, June 12, 2014

Can I Just Say....

Can I just say how fucking fed up I am with people who treat me like shit...
Like really, my ex-boyfriend of 3 years refuses to talk to me, and we didn't even really break up
We haven't seen other people or anything, he just started hating me, for no apparent reason
And when I reach out to him, it's like am I messaging you ? Are you there ?
It's been months, and sometimes he'll pop a message in here or there, and it's usually rude
I miss him, I miss just being able to have someone on my side, who would always talk with me.
It's frustrating now, I come home, and it's silence until the next morning when I go to school
And school lets out for the summer in a week, and then it'll be silence 24/7
I hate it....I can't handle pushes the boundaries of my mentality
And no matter how often I try to look for a friend, no one reaches out to me
So I'm just fed up mostly with this boy, he's 20, but he's no man, he's a fucking child
I can't deal anymore....I can't.

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