Monday, May 11, 2015


So this past weekend, like I said I had placement testing at Rutgers, which I'm pretty sure they're gonna look at my math scores and think I'm absolutely stupid because I don't think I knew a single question, which is sad, but math is not a required course for the theatre students, so I'm not gonna stress that at all.

On to the better part of my weekend, I got to see my hunny, Al and my doll, Brooke plus their nice friend Joy on Sunday when we all went to the park. I was completely stressing and getting very agitated because me and my family were an hour late to meet with them (so that was an hour lost of spending time with them). However when we did finally get to them, Al was the first one I saw and oh my gawd, I wanted to cry from happiness, his transformation from the last time I saw him was impeccable. And then I got to see Brooke and meet their friend Joy.

My younger cousin tagged along with me, my dad and brother and she was another highlight of the day. My brother and dad grilled, while me, my cousin and my friends talked and played. I enjoyed every single second of the time spent with them, I just couldn't believe they were actually here again. If someone were to ask what my favorite part of this year was thus far, I'd say seeing my twins again after months apart because I missed them so much.

All good things must come to an end, when it came time for them to leave, my heart sank. I didn't wanna say "goodbye" so soon. I had just gotten them back, but I knew they were here for a certain purpose. I walked them to their car, and of course I got my "goodbye" hugs, and again the tears started to pour once they started saying how proud they were of me for all that I had accomplished. And once the tears begin to flow, there's no stopping them. I got a kiss on the cheek from both of them and we said are final "goodbye" for the time being.

I'm crying now as I write this because like I said I miss them so much, I was used to seeing them almost everyday in school and occasionally hanging out. I can't believe it had been about 8 months since I had last seen them in person. 

Like they said they are proud of me, I'm so proud of them for everything they've accomplished and who they're becoming. I hope to see them again soon because I just can't stand missing them so much. My hunny and my doll, I love them so much.

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