Friday, March 22, 2013

No title

So what's your reason ?
Lost your friends ? Someone die ? Family problems ?
Do you feel sad, hurt, confused, alone, suicidal ?
So many reasons, so little room left on your wrists, your stomach, your legs
You hide it all, it's your secret, it's your way of life
What do you use ?
Scissors, pocket knife, glass, razor ?
Does it feel exhilarating ?
Does it subside your pain ?
So what if it hurts him ? So what if she bleeds ?
It doesn't hurt you...It's not your blood
It's not your body, It's not your life
It's to cope, it's a thrill
It lets you be in control
It makes you feel alive !
So what if this person is covered in scars ?
So what if it becomes an addiction ?
So what if this person does it their entire life ?
Let them cut
Let them cut until they're dripping crimson

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