Monday, June 9, 2014

Sooo....AnimeNEXT ?

So I had a shitty time at AnimeNEXT this year, lemme just tell you Saturday that I totally broke the record for sitting (9 fucking hours without getting up, my ass hurt). Also I am the most anti-social, depressing bitch to ever attend a event which is supposed to be fun and exciting. I wish I would've cosplayed, but someone broke my axe bass and I lost my fangs so I couldn't do Marcy, and my Porrim cosplay wasn't done yet. I'm maybe thinking of the next con I want to attend, and it could be Katsucon 2015, but that depends if I find friends for a hotel room and when our school's musical is. But definitely I will be going to AnimeNEXT 2015. All in all, this year was a joke for me, but I did love everyone's cosplays.

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