Monday, June 8, 2015

Yeah, so...

Yeah, so...The day I complain about the Senior Awards Night and I'll be sad if I don't get an invitation...Before my parents took me to an appointment, my dad checked the mailbox, and inside was my GOLDEN TICKET !

I GOT INVITED ! Which means I must be getting an award of some sort, which makes me so happy !

We don't start rehearsal for Awards Night until the end of 2nd period, but I'm excited for tonight, my mum curled my hair this morning (here's hoping it stays even a little bit), I took out my little black dress and I'm wearing my lace flats, I got my red lipstick out. I'm good for tonight !

Today is my last full day of high school, then tomorrow starts Senior Week, all half days leading up to graduation.

Which I am almost prepared for, I have my dress, shoes, makeup, jewelry...I just need my bra and possibly white shorts.

I get my nails and hair done Thursday.

Yeah, so...

I'm so ecstatic ! 

Thursday, June 4, 2015

5 More Days

Yesterday was my Drama Banquet, it was absolutely amazing, long as hell (almost 4 hours), but amazing. I loved every second of it, it was my absolutely final hurrah for drama at Oakcrest.

So 5 more days left for me, just next week, and Tuesday to Friday is all half days. I am so excited to graduate, it'll be a new accomplishment in my life.

I'm REALLY REALLY hoping I go home today and I have an invitation for Awards Night on Monday that came in the mail, because if I didn't get anything I'm going to be a little sad.

School is winding down, and my years at high school will come to a close. I'm not ready, but it'll be good...

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

6 More Days

So, today is the day, the drama banquet is today, I'm very excited for it. I still have no idea what I'm bringing in food-wise, but I'll think of something.

I'm literally jumping out of my seat to hear what the shows for next year will be. I'm hoping the drama director doesn't tell us that she doesn't know what shows they'll be putting on next school year, like she did at the banquet last year.

I may not be returning next school year, but I'll always be a huge supporter of the theatre here at Oakcrest. It's my home.

Today is the last day for my favorite teacher, Madame Scheaffer, she's getting knee surgery tomorrow and won't be here the remainder of the year (which is only a week, but still).

I'm hoping to see her at graduation (fingers crossed). I made her a nice little crayon art poster that she liked a lot, I gave it to her this morning, along with a personal note.

The school year is almost over, and I have more gifts to give to my favorite teachers at Oakcrest.

I am doing crayon art for 4 other teachers, and then getting Coraline (the film) for my English teacher/Stage Crew advisor and possibly something else if I can convince my mother.

I wrote little notes for the other 4 teachers as well, I think the longest is one is for my English teacher. (I adore him so, but disapprove of his freedom of speech).

Monday, June 1, 2015

8 More Days For Me

We are finally in June and that means 8 more days of school for me. I'm basically doing nothing in all my classes so it's like whatever at this point, this week will hopefully go by quick. I have a World Language Club meeting tomorrow after school, then the Drama Banquet on Wednesday, Thursday is a do nothing day, then Friday is Field Day (SKIPPING!)

I still have to do my film final that's due Wednesday, I finished typing up what I want to say for the video essay, I also put together my written film essays, and one film review, I now just have to find (somehow) 2 short films, and one music video I've helped work on this year, and then I just have to take a picture of a poster one of my groups made. I decided to teach to get outta doing the film resume, because I'm clueless and I hate making resumes.

So that'll be my project for the next 2 days because it's not due in class, it's probably due by 11:59 on Wednesday night.

I'm doing my video essay on Tim Burton and his films, I basically chose to talk about my favorites and just mentioned some of the ones he worked on.

Senior Week is next week, super excited (hoping I get a scholarship or award) I convinced my only friend in the senior class to do the senior picnic with me because I really wanted to go.

So excited for next week, I also have to make teacher gifts and buy teacher gifts for 5 teachers, Mrs. Tunney, Mr. Clark, Madame Scheaffer, Mrs. Wright, and Mrs. Gaskill. They each have done something great for me and I want to thank them for it.

Then after all the senior week activities and gift giving, it is finally graduation, but it's supposed to rain for almost all this week and next week, so I'm a little worried that graduation will be rained out. It said AM showers for the 12th, but it's raining on all the practices as well.

Oh well, hopefully Mother Nature takes a break from ruining events.