Wednesday, June 25, 2014

I don't know

So, I haven't been in a good mood as of late, the other night I woke up crying, and couldn't go back to sleep, I had to talk myself down from an extreme suicidal high. Thank god it worked or I would not be typing this for you guys to view.

I also am very angry with my ex *cough* Andrew Dragon Carrero *cough* he's a fucking bastard that deserves to die, so yeah. Last thing I sent him was me telling him he's a cunt.

I also had this awesome idea for me and my friends, to do a photo shoot at the end of the summer for me, I'm planning 2 outfits right now, it's just all about getting the money. I need about $350 to make it happen because the one dress/costume I want is $186.95. So yeah, working on finding a job for the weekends because I babysit for some money during the week.

My moods are varying lately, one minute I can be perfectly fine, the next I hate the world and I just want it all to end. It's like whatever.

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