Monday, September 29, 2014

One Day

So one day this week, I am off (Wednesday).
I believe my hunny and my doll are moving this week to Texas T_T
I have my first NHS meeting and 1st Drama Rehearsal today after school.
Tomorrow is Stage Clean up (yay ! It's so messy back there)
Thursday I'm free (so far)
Friday is the Football game (hopefully my brother plays again)

All in all, pretty good week, wish it was busier.

I am super excited for Drama Season, like beyond thrilled.

Signing off for now, I'll be updating at least 3 times a week, even if it's just a sentence or two.

P.S. - anyone read GGAR (Go Get A Roomie) ? I finally got back to it after 2 years of not reading it. I love it all over again !

Friday, September 19, 2014

Activity Carnival = FAIL

So, yesterday was the Activity Carnival and if I haven't explained what it is, it's basically a carnival filled with students and advisors trying to represent their club and try to get people to join and it's only really for Freshmen.

Even though I'm involved in like 6 clubs, I only wanted to help out with the Stage Crew table. We weren't as exciting as the other clubs, but it's not like we can just make a set out there, and we had no set pieces to show off, so yeah. One of the advisors (Mr. Clark), came up with an idea to make "sets" outta legos, no Freshman really even looked twice at the legos, but who really cares. I made 2 t-shirts and in fabric paint wrote STAGE CREW on the backs, and the advisor (Ms. Barton [actually Mrs. Wright]), she had one of her ELL students paint on the Comedy & Tragedy Masks for the front of the t-shirt, so it looked pretty cool. We raffled those off, so when people would sign up, we'd tell them to sign their name on a piece of paper to go in a raffle. We probably got 15 at most to sign up, which is literally devastating to me, because we had 35 sign up last year (granted they only came to the first meeting and only one was ever seen in my run crew, but still) People would come up to the table and ask what we were, but wouldn't sign up, but that's whatever.

Our first meeting is Wednesday September 24th after school, I made a poster that I'm gonna show the advisors and get it signed so I can hang it up on Monday. I'm hoping we have at least 5 people show up, plus we'll make announcements on Tuesday and Wednesday. I'm just a little disappointed that no one really was that curious this year. But whatever I made a stage crew last year, I can make another one.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

I wanna make a difference

I have this urge to do good, like immensely good. Like I wanna make a complete difference in my school, to leave my print and be remembered.

I'm gonna talk to my guidance counselor about my idea, but I don't know what I would do. I already do so much, I'm involved in like everything, and always help out when I can. I just want to do something. I need ideas.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Film Institute

So, In my school we have a program called The Film Institute, it contains a History, English, and Film Production class. So far, I'm loving it, I know I'm gonna be immersed in different genre of films and I completely submit to that. I might not like all the films that we will be shown, but whatever, I'm in the class to learn about a variety of films and not be such an uncultured swine. I have this class the last 3 periods of the day, and so far we are mostly in one large group instead of in our individual 3 classes.

I wanted this class because I wanted a course that was enjoyable, yet challenging. I'm pretty sure I got that. My only dilemma is the students in the class. I know 3 that aren't gonna be a problem, hell I like them, they're pretty cool guys, always joking, and conversing about their interests. There's also this one girl who I'm iffy about, so I'm just gonna include her with the rest of the class who is a huge pain in the ass. They are literally just here to get away with murder. They most likely took the class to get an easy A, and that's fucking annoying. They're rude, obnoxious, and just plain stupid at times. They're what you call the "popular kids", and I, my friends, am a peasant among the "royalty". I never like this group of students, I've had bad history with them, and frankly I hope they all have an unfortunate event happen to them. I know that isn't the nicest, but they're the type of people who think they're better than others, like they're entitled to whatever they desire. I just hope this school year goes by quick.

Anyway, the next film we are going to view is "The Shining". Can't Wait.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Drama Season Is In The Air

So, yesterday we had our Thespian Society meeting.

And found out the 2 play productions we are putting on this school year.

I already knew about the musical, which is the Addams Family, but I didn't know the straight play...which is Agatha Rex. I am excited to put on these productions.

Auditions are the 23rd, I'm hoping to see a lot of new faces join the Drama Program.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

1st Club Meeting TODAY

Today I have my first club meeting, and it is for Thespian Society (we're doing elections). Not a big deal, and hopefully it will only take a few minutes because I also have a throw together meeting for a club to plan BTS night and the Activity Carnival.

School has been going well lately. All my classes are acceptable (Thank God I don't have to pull a Lemongrab)

I honestly can't wait to start applying to colleges. I'm applying to 6 because of their Stage Management programs.

BTW, Drama will be starting soon, cannot wait to do stage crew.

Anyway, everything is good so far.

Friday, September 5, 2014

School's OK

So I have already started school. It's Friday so I got a few more hours in school and then my first weekend of the school year. 

My schedule couldn't be more perfect. I got Yearbook, Abnormal Psych, EPA, Dance, and Film Institute. I may not like the students in my class, but I'm not gonna let that get in the way of my Senior Year. I just want smooth sailing all year 'round. 

So I'll post more now, maybe post my Film Institute stuff as well.