Friday, January 30, 2015


I am officially back on Twitter, I haven't touched a twitter account since I was in middle school, but I basically made one because one of the girl's in yearbook kept telling everyone to re-tweet her tweets.

So I made one and my handle is LaceyxKilled

Follow me !

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Busy with College Interviews and Junk

So, I already started my college interviews,

My first was January 17th to Point Park University, which was really fun.

My second and third just happened this past weekend, they were Syracuse University which was a Skype interview and a Rutgers University interview where me and my mum circled the campus for an hour trying to find where the parking was.

I have another interview this weekend the 31st (which I will be missing stage crew and rehearsal for, BOOOOO !) It is an interview at Penn State University.

The following weekend I have a Skype interview with Boston University.

I haven't gotten any word from Emerson yet, I sent in my portfolio for a telephone interview. Hopefully I hear back from them either today, tomorrow, or next week at the latest.

And then my last interview will be at Pace University on the 20th. (Which I am submitting the portfolio and fee today, THANK GOD). I'm really excited to go to New York City because there's a chance I'll see my ex-boyfriend, I told him to save the date and there's a 50/50 chance of seeing him. So Yeah..

Busy girl, plus the Musical is next month, the 26th, 27th, and 28th.

Really excited and overwhelmed, but who cares ?

I love the rush !

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


I re-made an account on because I thought "Why the hell not ?"

My account name is LacrimosaxKilled

So yeah, if you have an account, message me on there.

That is all.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Skype Me

My Skype is xxemokuroshitsujiprincessxx (I made it back in middle school, so sorry for the lame ass name)

Message me, and maybe we can  possibly have a Skype date.


Friday, January 16, 2015

So it begins....

So tomorrow I have my first college portfolio interview.

It is at Point Park University in Pittsburgh.

For all the colleges I have applied to, I am trying to major in stage management because that has been something that has really opened my eyes and I see my passion for it only growing stronger as I go to school for it.

Me and my parents are driving up there at 1 in the morning because it's like a 6 hour drive and I have to be there by 8-8:30.

I'm really excited, but also tremendously nervous.

Anyway wish me luck on tomorrows interview.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Text the Pansexual ♥

I'm serious, text me~

I'm super bored and looking for friends who are like me.

Please, anyone who actually looks at my blog, message me through my number (609-335-3975) or my emails which I check regularly (,,

I'm open to everyone.


This lady is open to any and all people.

My number is 6093353975.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Pansexual Seeking Significant Other

Hey guys, so lately I've been feeling down, and that's no good. However I've been thinking a lot about having someone to hold dear. A significant other. I feel like being in a relationship would make me happier and make me look forward to stuff.

I'm openly pansexual to add.

I just really want a relationship even if it's an online relationship.

Yeah, that's all. Ignore me.

Friday, January 9, 2015

What Can I Say ?

What can I say ?
I'm a little depressing, I get sad a lot, I sometimes self harm, and have really bad thoughts, but I'm only human.
I am not perfect, I'm this 270lb, half black/half Puerto Rican lady who loves the theatre. 
I'm 17 years old, just 2 months shy of my 18th birthday.
I'm one to express my feelings in every possible way (usually negatively).
I don't know what to do right now, I'm upset.
I don't want to commit suicide, I don't want to harm myself right now.
I just want to feel relaxed and happy.
My one true love; stage crew and all things that deal with the backstage aspects of theatre. 
I crave that, it is what keeps me sane, it's what keeps me alive.
I've been having problems as of late with some people and the number one person is my "friend" Kiley.
I don't know if I should talk to her or what, I feel like she wants nothing to do with me.
And I also feel like she thinks I want nothing to do with her.
We both need to talk and get stuff out, because in reality, and honestly I don't want to lose her.
I'm gonna go do a mediation with her today I suppose. 
Wish me luck.
Thanks for letting me vent.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Happy New Year

Happy New Year, Friends!

It is 2015 !

I am super excited, 106 more school days until school ends.

Can't wait to relax this summer.

On a more exciting note...

Cabaret Night is this week

And rehearsal starts this week as well

On a lesser exciting note...

I still have to make my portfolio and schedule interviews

Woe is me ! Woe is me !

I'm friggin' late on everything.

Anyway, new year, new me (shoot me, please)
