Tuesday, November 25, 2014

College & Shit

I've been trying my hardest to get my college shit done, and I am hopefully succeeding.

I put in my Point Park University application yesterday, I need to re-check my Rutgers application, my next ones should be Penn State, Pace, Syracuse, Emerson, and Boston. 

I need to do my scholarships and just get more serious.

I'm a major procrastinator, but whatever.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Tonight is the Night

Tonight is the Night !

It is opening night of our fall production Agatha Rex.

The cast and crew worked really hard to be putting on a great production, the set looks great, the cast worked really hard on their lines (hoping no major mess ups).

I'm excited, even though my crew and myself don't have anything to do, no props, no set changes, no nothing.

It's gonna be pretty boring, but I'll be backstage on headset (hate that thing) and following along.

I'm ready to break the rules tonight !

Monday, November 17, 2014

Sorry, I've been missing

I've just been having a rough time, lately...so yeah

I'll post more soon, I promise

I just need a break for awhile

Everything is hard

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

So basically...

So basically, I'm sad, I'm angry, I'm upset, I'm just done.

All I see is despair and nothingness and I can't stand it.

Where is the light in my life ?

It's like someone extinguished the flame that was burning as bright as it could.

My feelings have gradually been getting worse, and I feel as though there's no point in anything.

I want to be fine with myself, and I don't feel fine with myself.

I had to leave school early yesterday and blow off Drama because I just couldn't. I couldn't deal with the rest of the day.

It was agonizing.

I have some cuts on my left arm (that I inflicted) and today I added my own flair to the cuts by writing the words Cut Me with an arrow pointing towards the wounds.

I don't know, I wish someone was here for me, I wish I wasn't alone.

It's horrid, and I can't.

I just can't.

I was on omegle last night.

I talked to one nice guy for little. (If anyone wants to talk to me fyi, comment, email me, whatever...I'm constantly lonely, and always wish for a voice to communicate with)

I don't wanna get into why I'm upset or angry or all these stupid emotions.

Maybe another post.

Monday, November 3, 2014