Thursday, May 28, 2015

Oh and I Forgot...


I DID !!!!!

I may not have had the time I wanted to make a kick ass scrapbook, but with what I put together it was a 7/10, the only thing that irked me was that my glue stick ran out and I had to use liquid glue and then I needed pictures of the cast and didn't get them until right before the show. But it all came together and I was very proud of myself for achieving this. I now have an award to show that I am the "best" for the 2015 One Acts Festival.

School is Coming to a Close

So school is coming to a close soon, just 11 more school days and then we get out on the 12th of June and it's graduation the same day. 

I'm really excited because my final drama banquet is next week on the 3rd (June) and I'm really excited to say one final "Goodbye" to my drama family. I've been with drama since my freshman year and I've never left, not once did I miss a play or musical, I was always there behind the scenes (and that one time onstage).

I'm still deciding what to bring in for food, maybe dinner rolls ? Possibly ??? Something simple, because it's either bring food or fork over $5, and they really just want the food so everyone has enough to eat.

Our high school has a field day on the 5th (June) and I'm skipping it (it'll be my unofficial Senior Skip Day). I just don't do physical activity and it'll probably be blazing hot that day, so I'll root for my team on the sidelines from my couch in my air conditioned home.

I just got an assignment to sell 5 yearbooks, each yearbook we sell is worth 20 points, I'll probably only end up selling 2, which is 40 points which will alter my 100 grade average in Yearbook, but whatever, hopefully I don't end up taking the final.

Senior Take Over Day is tomorrow, and I'm taking over my favorite teacher Mr. Clark. He's literally the best teacher in the school in my opinion. He's so chill and amazing. I get to "teach" his classes and hang out with him all day (What a dream come true ^_^).

Then Senior Week is the week of June 8th and hopefully I win a scholarship or something for Awards Night, and get to be in an all day Awards Night rehearsal.

I love that my time at high school is coming to a close, and I'm also very sad.

Just 11 more school days (technically 10 because I'm skipping Field Day) and then I'm done with high school forever.

Friday, May 22, 2015

One Acts Festival

Tonight is the annual One Acts Festival.

I was stage manager for one of the one acts, which was an adaptation of the Twilight Zone episode Time Enough at Last.

I wasn't as involved as I should have been, but I've been to any rehearsals that I knew of and I have been the main painter for the set, which we are still working on because it is a lot for a simple 30 minute one act, but at least it's going to look nice.

I had to make a scrapbook for it which I am still working on and will probably be working on until it's due tonight. Because I am last minute, well technically it's not anyone's fault, my family just had financial issues so we weren't able to buy the scrapbooking items until this week and I didn't get the physical scrapbook until Wednesday night.

However I'm very excited to see the One Acts Festival come together.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

20 Days

20 school days left until I graduate.

I graduate June 12th (if it doesn't rain).

I'm basically holding in, I am so bored with school work.

I don't know how my grades look so good, I got A's in all my classes, except English I got an 88 (B+).

However that'll go to an A once I finish my paper on 'No Country For Old Men'

I want school to be over, I literally can't stand the students, they are so obnoxious and rude and immature.


I'll get through my final days of school.

Monday, May 11, 2015


So this past weekend, like I said I had placement testing at Rutgers, which I'm pretty sure they're gonna look at my math scores and think I'm absolutely stupid because I don't think I knew a single question, which is sad, but math is not a required course for the theatre students, so I'm not gonna stress that at all.

On to the better part of my weekend, I got to see my hunny, Al and my doll, Brooke plus their nice friend Joy on Sunday when we all went to the park. I was completely stressing and getting very agitated because me and my family were an hour late to meet with them (so that was an hour lost of spending time with them). However when we did finally get to them, Al was the first one I saw and oh my gawd, I wanted to cry from happiness, his transformation from the last time I saw him was impeccable. And then I got to see Brooke and meet their friend Joy.

My younger cousin tagged along with me, my dad and brother and she was another highlight of the day. My brother and dad grilled, while me, my cousin and my friends talked and played. I enjoyed every single second of the time spent with them, I just couldn't believe they were actually here again. If someone were to ask what my favorite part of this year was thus far, I'd say seeing my twins again after months apart because I missed them so much.

All good things must come to an end, when it came time for them to leave, my heart sank. I didn't wanna say "goodbye" so soon. I had just gotten them back, but I knew they were here for a certain purpose. I walked them to their car, and of course I got my "goodbye" hugs, and again the tears started to pour once they started saying how proud they were of me for all that I had accomplished. And once the tears begin to flow, there's no stopping them. I got a kiss on the cheek from both of them and we said are final "goodbye" for the time being.

I'm crying now as I write this because like I said I miss them so much, I was used to seeing them almost everyday in school and occasionally hanging out. I can't believe it had been about 8 months since I had last seen them in person. 

Like they said they are proud of me, I'm so proud of them for everything they've accomplished and who they're becoming. I hope to see them again soon because I just can't stand missing them so much. My hunny and my doll, I love them so much.

Friday, May 8, 2015

The Weekend

So this weekend, I will be getting another step closer to college for I am taking the Rutgers Placement test on Saturday. I'm so not excited to be at Rutgers from 8:15am to 2pm, but it's gotta be done.

Then on Sunday....I GET TO SEE MY TWINS !!! MY TWINS ARE COMING UP FROM TEXAS SATURDAY NIGHT AND I GET TO SEE THEM SUNDAY !!!! I literally cannot contain my excitement, I miss them so much, it's so weird not having them around.

We are gonna have a picnic at the park, and just relax and talk and catch up. I'm so ecstatic to see Al because I get to see his transformation from when I last saw him. And Brooke, I just can't wait to hug my doll !

I wish I could see them all the time, but it's just a lucky chance they're coming my way this time.

I love them so much, and I'm so proud of them both. My hunny and my doll~