Friday, November 30, 2012

Self Harm Assignment {Taken 11/21/12}

My Self Harm Assignment





Label yourself (prep, goth, druggie, weirdo, etc)

Labels are overrated...

How long have you been cutting?

about 5 years

Favorite tool?


Where (place) do you cut (school, home, etc.)?

my bedroom

Do you have to wear long-sleeves & long-pants all the time?

not usually, but I do to avoid talk

Do you cut on your stomach, or chest?


Are your legs, arms, & other body parts covered in scars?


What’s your favorite excuse to use when someone asks about a cut?

what's the point of an excuse anymore ?

Have you ever been hospitalized because of your cutting?

Not overnight

when was the last time you cut?

2 days ago

Off the top of your head, about how many scars do you have?

I don't know...a couple

Do you have (diagnosed) depression, and/or bipolar/bpd?

They believe I am depressed and have bipolar disorder

Who knows you cut?

The librarian, my guidance counselor, my two friends

Have you ever been caught cutting?


Have your parents ever confronted you about a bloody sleeve, or towel?


Did you have a good childhood?

...I suppose

Why do you cut?


Have you ever talked to a therapist or counselor?

Unfortunately, yes

Do you want to stop cutting (but can’t because of addiction)?

Surprisingly. No I don't.

Do you like cutting?

I prefer not to answer.

How many times have you tried to commit suicide?


What are your views on cutting, and other self-injury?

my opinion doesn't matter

Do you like watching movies with self-injury?

If they're actually good movies

Do you like looking at pictures of self-injury?

It disturbs me sometimes

Do you sometimes envy other people (non-self-injurers)

I envy no one....

Have you ever taken any pictures of your cuts/scars?

I have.

Do you want to die?

At this moment in time....very much

Have you ever done a school assignment on cutting, or self-injury?


What do you like to listen to while cutting/depression/etc.?

Lately it's been Viva La Vida by Coldplay

Have you ever needed stitches from cutting?


Do you dream about cutting?


What do you use to bandage your cuts?

Absolutely nothing

Taken 11/21/12


xD love it !


Who wouldn't wanna go down the rabbit hole ? Into Wonderland where all sorts of curious and interesting creatures live ?

That's where I wanna be right now~

Just Mad/Bored/Upset/Listening to Music/Etc.

So right now I'm mad, I can't even think straight -.- I just wanna go home and lay down and just take a breather. My head hurts so damn bad and i'm tired of being at school, it has officially drained me of life energy xD

I've been contemplating whether or not if i can resist the urge to cut, and for the first time i think i can because i don't wanna upset Aubree because she says she's pissed anyway. So i'll try to do something else maybe just blog all night and annoy whoever has been checking my blog out. I don't need anymore scars across my arm, they've been hurting lately and i've been clawing at them and that's not really good.

For now i still have like half an hour before school lets out for the weekend, one of my "friends" is coming over, we're gonna continue to write our script for the One Act festival the school has in May. We're gonna hopefully make cupcakes NOM NOM NOM :3 hehe, oh and i have to watch my baby cousin she's like 4 and she's SUPER energetic and i can't keep up with that cuz of how low energy i am -.-

Listening to 'Sellout' by NevershoutNever~ i try not to listen to NeverShoutNever too much cuz then i never wanna stop and it does begin to bother me, but i love his music, i know like all his songs :D but i am sadly not his Biggest Fan.

Anyway i guess i'll end this post and i'll post another later about anime i watch and like.

Bye for now darlings~ ♥

My Dream Camera

Too bad I don't have $500 -.-

Bad Mood Morning

Not in the best mood this morning....I need a hug from my friends D: but I don't see them until in between the 7/8 and 9/10 period....some people just love to ruin mornings with problems :/ hopefully I'm not bummed out the entire day because of he needs to answer me -.- anyway GOOD MORNING~

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Night Night

I bid you goodnight, and hope no nightmares plague you as you slumber, I only hope the sweetest of dreams make their way to your mind this night~

30 Day Self Harm Challenge Information~

I know my two friends would like it if i tried this but can i go a whole month without cutting…not sure, but i love them to death, and i will try for them starting Saturday. Basically i just have to answer a question a day, even though it would be much simpler and quicker to do it all in one shot, i’ll elongate my time


I am a HUGE supporter of the LGBTQ community !
So I WILL NOT tolerate any and all homophobic comments


This is me & my friend Alastair. Isn't he soooo CUTE !!!! Him and his sister Brooke are the only 2 who make me genuinely happy. The smile they put on my face, never fades when i'm with them. This picture was at Chili's after the play at our school. I absolutely ADORE Al, i think i'm a little too obssesed, but whatever, and yes i have a crush on him, but that's because he's so sweet, and kind, and funny, and he's helping me with my problems, plus his hugs make my worries melt away. Anyway it'll never be, and that's perfectly fine :3 i still love him~ ♥



Al's Picture

my friend Al (LOVE HIM) sent me this picture the other day and at first it kinda made me mad but I knew he meant well because he just wants me to get better so I thought I'd share this photo on here. Enjoy oh and Good Morning~

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Slow Night D;

No one to talk to, the twins haven't messaged me, Andrew hasn't messaged me (I'll explain him on a different day), I guess I really do need some friends, but I'm not exactly a people person -.- I really wish I could invite the twins over, I'd keep them locked in my closet forever >:3

Right now, just laying down, staring at the ceiling, listening to music as the time passes

This is ME~

this is a recent photo of myself, I may not be pretty, but hey I don't care :)


Today i start a blog, not because i want views or friends, but because i wanted a new hobby, and i believe it can help me express myself a little better. Lemme start out with introducing myself, Bonjour, i would like to go by the name Lacrimosa (because i hate my actual name). I'm currently 15 and a sophomore in highschool. Another reason for starting this blog is because i wanted a distraction from my cutting. YES, i am a cutter, but i am also much more than that, so please don't write me off just yet~
I am in 5 different clubs, them being : Drama/Stage Crew, Asian Awareness, Interact, Student Council, & French Club. I am trying to start my own afterschool club called a G.S.A which is a Gay-Straight Alliance, yes i am a LGBT advocate, and very proud to be one. I am pansexual, I like writing, reading, doodling, I am striving to be a photographer, i love acting. Oh, and i'm not as outgoing as i seem, i'm very quiet, i don't really have any friends, and i usually stay in my bedroom unless i'm going to school. I'm not sure what else to write, so i'll just sign off on my first post~