Monday, October 27, 2014

Wig Monstrosity

So, yesterday night I decided to attempt to detangle my beast of a wig.

I tore out so many fibers, it's not even funny, but it still looks good fiber wise.

I started from the bottom and would gradually work my way up, but it would just tangle more and more.

I tried a lotion/water solution I saw in a deviantart tutorial, and it was okay.

I had my brother wear my wig as I tried to mantain it.

I eventually got it nice enough to braid it into a decent braid, which also left the top of the wig, kind of ratty.

I am never purchasing a 40in wig again, I do not like the stress.

I also didn't want to just throw out my first wig.

However it looks okay for now, I plan on sporting it for Halloween, and just wearing a hat or scarf over the top of my head.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Can I Just Talk ?

So, I'm done trying, I came to the conclusion that there's no point in trying if your effort is thrust back into your face. I wanted to make this work, but making me cry because you wanna be heartless is literally the last straw. I cannot keep making myself seem fine, when I'm not. You literally acted two-faced, last Friday we seemed okay like there was a shimmer of hope, but this week, all that was dashed away by your actions and words. I know I fucked up royally, it was literally all my fault, but I decided to be the bigger person and just try, try one last time to at least be civil with each other, but alas it was all in vain. I don't know I just wanted to be friends again, and it just wasted my time to have it be worthless. I am allowed to be upset, I am allowed to vent, I am allowed to do whatever I want regarding this situation as long as I am not in any way harming her. I don't know what to do anymore, I'm going through my Senior Year without any friends. My hunny and doll graduated and are in Texas, and that's about it. I'm done talking, I'm just upset and wanna just find a real friend.

Thursday, October 23, 2014


I am so done with her, it's not even funny.
So yesterday I'm like, lemme try and break the ice again,
So we can start talking,
I then during lunch go back into my Google Docs,
And find a document with a list a nicknames I used to call her,
All completely appropriate, and just in fun,
(They were words spelled backwards)
I print out the list and add a little note at the bottom,
About it's okay to not wanna be friends, but just let me know.
I get to Film Class, and before she gets there,
I tell the boys to write "Ohcapzag" on the chalk board,
Then another boy wants to know another nickname,
So they can address with the nickname,
(Again all in fun)
She enters the room, and he says "Hey Nuttob."
She then proceeds to just act like he called her some horrid,
Inappropriate name, just being rude and saying,
"I hate that so much"
My face just drained of color,
I thought it would be a good idea to go back to our friendship with that,
Because before, she used to laugh or give me the funny bitchface for these nicknames,
She yesterday just completely shut me the fuck down,
I say to her, my voice so low,
that "It was just supposed to be funny." &
"No need to be crabby, I didn't mean to upset you."
She made me feel like complete shit for no reason,
I literally tried, but if she's gonna keep ignoring me,
And making me feel bad for trying to make her laugh/smile,
Then I'm done, there was really no reason for that yesterday,
It really hurt my feelings, and I don't need negativity from her anymore,
I wanted my friend back, but not if I have to feel bad about it first

I'm done venting, thanks for reading.

Monday, October 20, 2014

I Have Sad News

I am not getting or putting together a Halloween Costume this year.

I had to give up my Halloween for the Xbox, I kinda regret it, but I plan on cosplaying next year at cons, so it won't be such a big deal.

Kinda sad.

I do have a ratty black wig, a zipper face kit, and some Halloween makeup, I can do something with that.

Really sad.

Happy Monday

So it's Monday.
Joy to the world.
I'm freezing.
Anyway lemme give you an update on what happened Friday and Sunday.
On Friday I gave her a folder with a letter in it,
Along with some Supernatural pictures
And just as I was writing about that encounter,
She sits down at the table I was at and we start talking.
I also made her some Destiel pictures.
When I got home, I painted a cup for her, as well.
On Sunday (Let's just skip Saturday)
We went to the Berlin farmer's market
And I got the thing I have been wanting for a looooooong time
I got an original Xbox !
I have been wanting to play Jet Set Radio Future for the longest time
And now I finally can !
Fuck Yes !

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Halloween is in 15 days !!!

So Halloween is in 2 weeks
And I have NO IDEA what I wanna be.

My budget is roughly $60
And I've thought of what I could be
The Tardis, The 11th Doctor, a witch, a pirate
The Embodiment of Halloween...
However I'm missing all the sales and coupons
So I have to pay more
And I can't have this costume without this piece
Or that piece
And it's just so fustrating
Any Ideas ?

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


She's STILL ignoring me.
Can't even manage a "Hi"
I'm trying not to let it bother me
However, it's irking me
Whatever though
I'm tired of this
I just wanna get past this
And at least be aquaintances

Friday, October 10, 2014

I hurt myself

So, yesterday in dance class we were doing a skills test for the dance we learned, and I guess I did the leap and landed wrong. So when I went to get changed and got outta the locker room to go to the mirror, and crossed in front of the teacher she's like "Are you limping ?" and I said really hesistantly "...yes."

I kinda then refused the entire day to go to the nurse, and I was walking all day going back and forth. And it stopped hurting when I got home, but this morning I could feel pain again, and I really hope we don't do any leaps today in dance.

I've felt pain before this school year in dance, but not a lasting pain.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Stage Crew Thursday

Today after school is another Stage Crew meeting.

To begin, I am very grateful for everyone who attempts to help out and contribute to stage crew.

HOWEVER, there are students who come to the stage crew meetings and don't do anything, they run in the auditorium, they shout, they lounge around, and make a bigger mess that I have to clean up after them.

I do not appreciate that, I have a big job, and I want to make sure I mold these students into a great run crew for the actual play productions. 

About 30 students have passed through our 1st couple of meetings, and in actuality I only need 8 more people for run crew for Agatha Rex. It does not at all require 30 people (especially those who do nothing). I do though need help with building and painting the set, one of our advisors (Mr. Clark) is designing the set and will need all the help he can get, and of course painting is a big job as well. 

I already have an idea of who I want for my run crew because these are the people working the hardest and actually paying attention to my instruction and the advisors' instructions. 

On Tuesday when we had a stage crew meeting, it took me almost 30 minutes to get people to sign in, and I announced it 3 times, and loud enough as well. To me it's just like, if you can't follow a simple instruction like signing your name on a piece of paper, what makes me think you can follow more complex instructions when I need them to be done.

These students may think I am a bitch and whatnot for raising my voice when needed and shit, but I'm doing my job, and I just want an efficient run crew for all Drama Productions. 

So let's see how today goes....

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Can I Go Back To Sleep ?

So fucking tired.

Like I woke up a dozen times last night to try and talk with a friend, since this person gets off of work at like midnight.

And then I have school the next morning and have to wake up at 6, and I feel toasted.

I cannot keep my eyes awake.

Can I just go back to sleep ? Like please ?

Friday, October 3, 2014

See you later...

So yesterday I got to hang out with my two wonderful friends who are leaving for Texas this weekend. We hung out at Walmart while they got an oil change, then off to Target, Michaels, BJ's, then to Berry Creamy for some Frozen Yogurt. We then went to BAM, the mall, and ended at FiveBelow. Our very last trip was to my house so they could drop me off, and I cried (I'm about to cry typing this), I'm gonna miss them so much, I told them I'd keep them in my closet so they'd never leave. I'm gonna miss them a lot, but they reassured me that I could add them on Facebook, text when I finally got a cell phone, Skype call whenever I wanted, and that they'd try to make my graduation because I went to theirs. Plus, Al uploads videos on Youtube once a week, so I'll get to see his handsome face. I wish I was able to spend their birthday with them, but it's okay. I wish them all the best while they are in Texas, and if I could I'd visit them in Texas, and hug them until I couldn't hug them anymore.

Al, you are most definitely the sweetest and most amazing guy I've ever met.

Brookie, you are without a doubt the cutest, most nicest and real person I've had the pleasure of meeting.

I met you both in Stage Crew which will always be something I hold dear.

My hunny & my doll, I'm so grateful for your generosity over the past couple of years, you both are so great to me. I love you both~

And like you said, it's not "Goodbye"'s a "See You Later."

Thursday, October 2, 2014


So today, I am going out with my two wonderful friends after school, and I could not be anymore excited. I am ditching my clubs and activities to hang out with them, which is something I wouldn't do for just anyone.

We're probably just going to BAM or the mall to just sit and talk.

I'm just glad I get to see them before they leave (I'm gonna miss them D:)

I think I'm missing rehearsal and a Social Studies Club meeting, but that's no big deal, It's just the beginning of the school year, so there's plenty more meetings and rehearsals. (It just kinda kills me a little inside that I am purposely skipping out on those two activities).

I'm good. I'm good.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Teacher In Service

So, it's Wednesday and I had no school, I did absolutely nothing and still continue to do absolutely nothing because I am a bum. 

Guess what ! 

OK, so my ex hit me up on Skype and shit and actually wanted to talk....shocker :O

I was awake way past my bedtime to be able to speak with him for like an hour.

I'm getting bored...I need some excitement. Someone tell me to do something. Anything.